Discipling the Next Generation: A Case for Microschools

Nancy Shonamon
Principal of Shawnee Nazarene Academy and NEW Christian School Representative

Many families experience the dilemma of making difficult educational decisions for their children. Parents across the United States have withdrawn an unprecedented number of students from public school systems, and homeschool is one of the fastest growing forms of education in America.


Poppy In Memoriam

In Memoriam: 20 September 2024

16 Sep 2024
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Impacting the Lives of College Students

Dr. Mark Taylor
NEW College Representative
College Student

During my first year of college, I was a commuter student and did not really connect much with campus life. In my sophomore year, I started living on campus. It was there that I would connect with a campus ministry.

In Memoriam

In Memoriam: 13 September 2024

13 Sep 2024
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Peggy Trumble

Celebrating the life, ministry of Peggy…

12 Sep 2024
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Mark Brown

The Foundry announces retirement of CEO

12 Sep 2024
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Ericka Esteban

Guatemalan athlete competes in second…

12 Sep 2024
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Nigeria Conference

Nigeria leaders to transform communities at…

12 Sep 2024
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Called to Disruption

'Called to Disruption' conference inspires…

12 Sep 2024
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