Celebrate pastors during Clergy Appreciation Month

Celebrate pastors during Clergy Appreciation Month

by | 09 Oct 2015

Think for a moment of all the clergy who have impacted your faith journey through the years. October is the time to say "Thank you!" So, gather a Sunday school class, inspire your home group, or engage the entire congregation in a creative, intentional effort to express your appreciation to the clergy serving you now. 

Here are some ideas:

  • Organize a prayer calendar so that each pastor is prayed for every day over the next 30 days.
  • Write notes of appreciation to your clergy.
  • Invite children to create artwork for the pastors.
  • Recognize your clergy through a special presentation or fun event.
  • Give clergy families a night out to a local restaurant or gift certificate for an overnight get-away.
  • Make each Sunday a special emphasis of recognizing something specifically appreciated about each of your congregation’s pastoral leaders (personality qualities, gifting, family, etc.) with a special tribute, recollection, etc. Consider giving a gift that relates to the emphasis.
  • Organize an opportunity for members of the congregation to volunteer time serving pastoral leaders by babysitting or helping with yard projects and other home maintenance.

On behalf of the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center, thank you to pastors and all clergy for their labor and leadership in helping to make Christlike disciples in the nations. 



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