VBS provide important discipleship opportunities for Chile children

Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) have been a fundamental tool for the evangelization and discipleship of children in Chile. The event attracts all audiences and teaches doctrinal principles through music, games, theater, and lessons under a specific theme.
That is why, during the 2024 summer vacation in Chile, the church took advantage of every instance to deliver the gospel's message and celebrate the salvation that is in Christ Jesus.
Chile’s Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) ministry and the children celebrated and enjoyed Vacation Bible Schools in the country's four districts with the theme "The Toy Maker."
"The Toymaker" focused on walking the path of grace, teaching children about prevenient, saving, and sanctifying grace, showing Jesus reaching out to people. The curriculum was set in a giant toy store, and each day the children discovered a new adventure that reveals more about Jesus.
This tool has not only allowed the churches' children to be blessed but it has also allowed churches to connect with the children of the communities where the churches are present. Many families came to a Nazarene church for the first time and were part of the celebrations to close the VBS.
“For the Church of the Nazarene in Chile, the new generations are the present,” said Elizabeth Soto, the national holistic ministries coordinator. “We think that united and unanimous, we are more.”
The national NDI prays that these connections are maintained over time and families genuinely encounter Christ.
“We glorify God for what he is doing through discipleship ministries, especially children's ministries,” said Francisca Albarracín, national NDI coordinator. “The efforts to sow the seed in their heart will bear abundant fruit for the enlargement of the kingdom of God throughout Chile.”
--Church of the Nazarene South America