Nazarene Youth Conference plans continue for July 2023

Nazarene Youth Conference plans continue for July 2023

Nazarene News Staff
| 21 Oct 2020
NYC 2023 Announcement

After much prayer and careful consideration, the USA/Canada Nazarene Youth International Regional Council announced it will move forward with Nazarene Youth Conference 2023 from July 5 through 9 in Tampa Bay, Florida. The decision was approved by the Board of General Superintendents in consultation with the general secretary. 

“We recognize the challenges of hosting this regional event in light of the recent shift of General Assembly & Conventions to the summer of 2023,” said Justin Pickard, USA/Canada NYI coordinator. “However, there is strong consensus that staying with our original plan and honoring established contracts with the city and venues is the best decision. In addition, we believe we can leverage previous NYC momentum while capitalizing on the centennial year of Nazarene Youth International by joining the global NYI celebration throughout 2023.”

Nazarene Youth Conference is a quadrennial event that will bring together an estimated 10,000 high school students and youth leaders from across the USA/Canada Region for five days of worship services, service projects, and more. 

Additional details, including theme, speakers, and other details, will be released in the spring of 2021 through district NYI leadership and on the NYC social media pages.



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