India - Reynolds Memorial Hospital Nursing College

India - Reynolds Memorial Hospital Nursing College

India - Reynolds Memorial Hospital Nursing College

Giving Code: 133978
Région: Eurasia
Area: Eurasia
COST (USD$): 577,900


Empowering women, creating healthier communities, offering hope – Reynolds Memorial Hospital (RMH) nurse training program in Washim, India, since its humble beginnings in 1938, has continued to grow and train many, to minister to the health needs both around Washim and elsewhere in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. However, updated government requirements for nursing programs in India have placed the RMH ‘Nazarene Nurses Training College’ (NNTC) in jeopardy. The existing physical infrastructure of NNTC was built in 2006 to meet the requirements for the General Nursing Midwifery (GNM) course. In 2010 the Revised Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery (RANM) course was accommodated in the same premises. Later, in 2012 the course of Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Nursing was introduced and was accommodated in the existing building.

At present, the facilities are not adequate to accommodate all three courses. Furthermore, at this juncture, we stand short of facilities mandatory for running a BSc. nursing program as prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council (INC). In order to comply with standard regulations and have a fully functioning program that is self-sufficient and sustainable, this project proposal seeks to raise the funding necessary to bring the facility up to the mandatory government requirements. A renovation and sustainability plan was started in March 2018 and much has already been done including remodeling patient wards and 10 Mission bungalows to house doctors, campus development projects, some salary support during the transition period, water supply, sewage treatment plant, and partial completion of the Operating Theatre. 

We see the impact all over the vast state of Maharashtra because each year 40 qualified nurses graduate from a Nazarene Nursing College. This fully accredited college has not been able to keep up with the infrastructure needs that accompany its success and high enrollment.

The following lists the renovations and additions that are needed to meet the governmental requirements and help to make the RMH/NNTC program sustainable:  Nazarene Nurses Training College Extension, additional Hospital renovations including wells, water storage tanks, and machinery. The amount of $577,900 USD  is needed to complete the funding necessary for the renovations and additions proposed to make RMH/NNTC a self-sustaining,  fully functioning, and governmental compliant Hospital and Nazarene Nursing College. Your gift enables the Reynolds Memorial Hospital Nursing College to continue to bring the love of Christ in evangelism, education, employment, and health to Washim and to the many hundreds of surrounding villages for many years to come.

Make A Donation


Donate by Check:


In the US:

Make checks payable to General Treasurer and send them to:


Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, MO 64184-3116


In Canada:
Make Checks payable Church of the Nazarene Canada and send them to:


Church of the Nazarene Canada
3657 Ponytrail Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L4X 1W5.


Be sure to put 133978 in the Memo area. Thanks for your donation.