Goals and Honors

Goals and Honors

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From the beginning, generous Nazarenes have financially supported the movement of God by practicing storehouse tithing. The faithful tithes and offerings of God’s people enable each local congregation to accomplish God’s calling for their community.


Starting in 1929, the legislative General Assembly voted to share the responsibility for the denominational mission. Each local Nazarene congregation supports the overall mission of the church as defined by the General Assembly and implemented through the leadership of the Board of General Superintendents in world evangelism, education, ministerial support, and district ministries (Manual 32.5).


As a result, a portion of each person’s tithe is shared for World Evangelism with six global regions. This denominational fund (WEF) is the foundation for discovering, delivering, and resourcing our missions organization around the world. Because of the generous gifts for World Evangelism, the Church of the Nazarene is able to develop and sustain worldwide communication, technology support, and new mission programs.


Every Nazarene congregation is invited to participate in Nazarene Missions through its giving to World Evangelism. Download or order this free brochure about “How We Fund Missions.”



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Your gifts are vital to supporting your local church and Nazarene entities around the world as they work to make Christlike disciples in the nations. There are many ways to give. 


1. Cash gifts in the form of a regular tithe, usually 10% of your income, are the lifeblood of your church. Your tithe pays your pastors’ salaries, provides you a place to worship, and funds the local church ministries you enjoy.


2. Required distributions from your IRA account can be given directly to your church. In addition to supporting your church’s ministry, these donations reduce your taxable income.


3. Appreciated assets like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate can provide your church with monthly income or a large lump sum for large projects.


4. In-kind gifts of services or goods your church needs.


5. Commodities such as farm crops, cattle, oil, silver, gold, mineral rights, and more can also be donated.


6. Matching gifts are available through many employers. Check with your HR representative.


Plan your final act of giving to your church


An estate gift can provide your church with needed funding for building repairs or ministries that go beyond the annual church budget.


1. Consider a bequest to your church in your estate plan.


2. Make the church a beneficiary of any asset you own, including your retirement or bank account, real estate, life insurance policy, and art or jewelry.


If you have questions about tithing or any of these giving opportunities, contact the Stewardship Development team at stewardship@nazarene.org or 800-544-8413.


General Superintendent

“Our attitude of generosity speaks volumes about our discipleship journey. If money has a grip on you, then God doesn’t.”


Congregations are honored annually when their World Evangelism giving goals are achieved. The Funding the Mission software provides an easy online giving platform for churches to give and track their unique goals.


Mission Specials: Congregations frequently give to additional projects like missionary deputations, Alabaster, World Mission Broadcast, JESUS Film, Nazarene Youth International, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, education, and many other approved projects in the regions. Over $500 million dollars (that is half a BILLON) have been given for approved Mission Specials in the last 50 years. These gifts are in addition to generously given gifts for World Evangelism.


Thank you to the following Nazarene churches for reaching their giving milestones and for making Christlike disciples in the nations!


World Evangelism Church

Congregations that give at least 5.5% of their total income for World Evangelism and meet all other district, educational, and ministerial retirement savings plan goals.


2019    2020   2021  Download Certificate


World Evangelism Church of Excellence (NMI) Congregations that give at least 5.7% of their total income (or exceed the 5.5% goal by $1,500 US) for World Evangelism.


2019  •  2020 •  2021


World Evangelism District of Excellence (NMI) Districts that give at least 90% of their World Evangelism giving goal.


2019    2020   2021


Mission 10 (15, 20, 25, 30, +) Church

Congregations that give at least 5.5% of their total income for World Evangelism and meet all other district, educational, and ministerial retirement savings plan goals and generously increase their giving for Nazarene Missions (World Evangelism and Mission Specials) to 10 (15, 20, 25, 30) % of their total income.


2019  •  2020 •  2021  Download Certificate