APNTS: Rice for Students

APNTS: Rice for Students

APNTS: Rice for Students

Giving Code: 133194
Región: Asia-Pacific
Area: Asia-Pacific
COST (USD$): 3,600


”APNTS: Rice for Students” is a project that provides rice to students living on campus.  Many students do not have sufficient funds to provide 3 healthy meals a day, and most come from cultures with rice as a staple diet.  $100 buys two kilograms of rice for each student on campus; roughly enough for one meal a day for a month.  The rice is purchased and distributed by the students themselves through the APNTS Student Body Organization.  Thank you for your support.

One meal per day for students = $100 per month
Project Target Provision = 3 meals per day for ongoing need
Project Cost = $3,600 per year

Make A Donation


Donate by Check:


In the US:

Make checks payable to General Treasurer and send them to:


Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, MO 64184-3116


In Canada:
Make Checks payable Church of the Nazarene Canada and send them to:


Church of the Nazarene Canada
3657 Ponytrail Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L4X 1W5.


Be sure to put 133194 in the Memo area. Thanks for your donation.